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Showing posts from July, 2021


 An Inter Darasgah competition is going to be conducted by a few volunteers in Ashmuji.Any aspirant whose age is below 18 can register for this written Exam.The Book is available at Your local Darasgah Teacher which is available at 60% Discount(Rs 100). Every student has to register on the link below before 12th August failing which he or she will not be allowed to sit in the Exam.The registration fee is Rs 10 which will be collected by your Teacher. The top 3 position holders will be honoured with cash prizes and islamic study material. Also,the Position holders upto 10 will be given consolation prizes. The Book prescribed for the Exam is ذخیرۂ معلومات   از محمد غفران کیرانوی ۔ The book is written in Q&A form.All Questions will  be asked from this Book. Date of Exam:-   28 August 2021 Venue :-       Jamia Masjid   Mirpora Ashmuji Timing :-    2:00pm   Here is the link to register. Click Here.

Youm Ul Arafah

  Tomorrow is Youmul Arafah. Fasting on this day expiates the sins of the past year and the coming year.(Muslim)  The duʿā of a bedouin on ʿArafah: اللهم إن ذنوبي لن تضرك، ورحمتك إياي لن تنقصك، فلا تمنعني ما لا ينقصك، واغفر لي ما لايضرك “O Allah, my sins will not harm You and Your mercy to me will not diminish anything of You. So don’t prevent from me what does not diminish anything of You and forgive me for what does not harm You!”




If a muslim is wealthy enough(صاحبِ نصاب),then Qurbani is compulsory on him. Also, for the one who hasn't reached to the threshhold(نصاب) yet,but possesses the extra and unnecessary things in his home eg.Tv,Extra house, Extra food vessels, Extra beddings etc. and the accumulation corresponds to the money equal or greater than the threshhold,in that case Qurbani is compulsory.However,if the total doesn't reach the threshhold,then Qurbani is not Compulsory. *Threshhold= Rs:- 27000/=* *Sahib e Nisaab is the person who has this threshhold amount.*